Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Sciences

Campaign against Climate Change presents:


Date: Saturday 6th December 2008

Time: 12 - 4pm

Start Venue: Grosvenor Square, London, UK

Speakers at the march will include: George Monbiot (Honorary President, Campaign against Climate Change); Michael Meacher MP(ex-environment minister); Mark Dowd (Operation Noah) Muzammal Hussain (London Islamic Network for the Environment - LINE) Nick Clegg MP (leader, Liberal Democrat Party), Caroline Lucas MEP (leader, Green party) and others.

This march is expected to draw thousands and is part of a series of demonstrations taking place throughout the world. The March on Parliament for the Climate marks the Saturday midway through the UN Climate Talks in Poznan, Poland. We make our demands on the UK government, in solidarity with the world's poorest and most vulnerable communities that will suffer worst and most immediately from climate change, caused overwhelmingly by the rich long-industrialised countries. For more information please visit: