EPA's EJ Achievement Awards (Due May 13, 2009)‏


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is accepting applications for the 2009 Achievement in Environmental Justice Awards. Nominations must be postmarked by May 13, 2009.

National awards for achievements in environmental justice will be given to multi-stakeholder partnerships for their achievement in addressing environmental justice issues or achieving the goals of environmental justice in a manner that results in positive impacts to a community. Multi-stakeholder partnerships bring together diverse organizations with multiple perspectives and interests to address these issues. Such partnerships refer to arrangements in which stakeholders work together to achieve common goals. Multi-stakeholder partnerships must be made up of three or more of the following organizations:

Community-Based Organizations (required)
Academic Institutions
Business and Industry Organizations
Non-Governmental and Environmental Organizations
State and Local Government Organizations
Tribal Government and Indigenous Organizations Multi-stakeholder partnerships will be evaluated based on how they addressed environmental justice issues in accordance with the following criteria:
Partnerships and Collaboration;
Community, Equity, and Public Involvement;
Leveraged Resources/Capacity Building/Sustainability; and
Demonstrated Results/Effectiveness.

Each multi-stakeholder partnership applying for an award must have reached a significant environmental justice milestone or accomplishment within the past 5 years (2004-2008). EPA will announce award winners in Fall 2009. Award winners will receive national recognition for their significant environmental justice achievements. Winners will also be featured on the EPA Office of Environmental Justice's Web site. National recognition may also open doors for the award winners to network and partner with other organizations across the U.S. that share a similar commitment to environmental justice excellence.


Environmental Justice Achievement Awards Program

Contact Lisa Hammond at (202) 564-0736