Third and Final Day of EJ Conference Is Very Successful

The luncheon at the end of the conference was capped off by a video presentation from EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson. She received loud applause. Thank you Administrator Jackson.

The final day of the conference was well attended and it is being reported that the panels were very informative and interactive. The last day agenda is below.

What Can the Stimulus Package Do for You? Federal Effortsto Expand Economic Opportunities and Promote Green Economies. Moderator: David Widawsky, Director, National Center on Economic and Innovation, United States Environmental Protection Agency Presenters: Velma Charles-Shannon, Environmental Justice Program Manager, Office of Outreach, United States Department ofAgricultureCarlton Eley, Program Manager, Office of Policy, Economics and Innovation, United States Environmental Protection Agency Jean Diggs, Program Manager, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, United States Department of Energy Jennifer Troke, Program Manager, Employment and Training Administration, United States Department of Lab or David S. Dillard, Economic Recovery Executive, United States Forest Service.

Engaging Students Climate Change - A Hands on ApproachConducting Waste Audits from the Garden to the Kitchen Cradle to Cradle. Moderator: Beverly Whitehead, Environmental Protection Specialist, Office of Health, Safety and Security, United States Department of Energy Presenters: Danielle Purifoy, Environmental Projects Coordinator, City of New Orleans Kari Fulton, National Campus Campaign Coordinator, Environmental Justice and Climate Change Initiative Jerald L. White, Filmmaker and Community Advocate, Bottletree Productions Merilee Harrigan, Vice President for Education, Alliance to Save Energy.

The Impacts of Climate Change – How Does It Affect Us. Moderator: David Padgett, Associate Professor, TennesseeState UniversityPresenters:Rosina Phillipe, Representative, Atakapa -Ishak Native AmericanTribe, and Member of American Wetlands Conversation Corps(AWCC)Sacoby Wilson, Assistant Professor, University of South Carolina Shankar Prasad, Executive Fellow, Coalition for Clean Air.

New Orleans: Before and After Hurricane Katrina. Moderator: Pamela Bingham, Diversity Chair & SustainabilityCommittee, American Society of Civil EngineersPresenters: Royce Duplessis, Student, Howard University School of Law Brandi White, Graduate Research Assistant, University of Minnesota Cheryl Johnson, Executive Director, People for CommunityRecovery, Altgeld Gardens.

Lead Poisoning and The precautionary Principle. Moderator: Anthony J. Brownlow, Management Analyst, Department of Justice Presenters:Christina Wadlington, Program Manager, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Mia Whang Spiker, Student, Howard University School of Law Nelta Edwards, Professor, University of Alaska.

CONCURRENT SESSIONS Best Practices for Using the National Environmental Policy Act(NEPA) to Address EJ Challenges Moderators: Horst Greczmiel, Associate Director for NEPA Oversight, Council on Environmental Quality & Susan Bromm, Director, Office of Federal Activities, United States Environmental Protection Agency Presenters: Harold E. Peaks, Office of Project Development and Environmental Review, Federal Highway Administration, United States Department of Transportation Reggie Harris, Environmental Justice Coordinator, Region 3, United States Environmental Protection Agency Jim McElfish, Senior Attorney, Environmental Law Institute.

Have Your Water and Drink It Too: Facing the Challenges of Maintaining Water Infrastructure in Disadvantaged Communities Moderator: Charles Lee, Director, Office of Environmental Justice, United States Environmental Protection Agency Presenters: Mike Shapiro, Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Water, United States Environmental Protection Agency Stephanie Adrian, International Water Programs Manager,Office of International Affairs, United States Environmental Protection Agency Sandi Boughton, Manager, Utility Programs, Water/Waste andRural Development, United States Department of Agriculture Cynthia D. West, Deputy Director, Pacific Northwest Research Station, U.S. Forest Service.

Ensuring Green Jobs Address Equality and Justice for our Community Moderator: Karen Wilson, Vice President, Institutional Development, Tougaloo CollegePresenters:Danielle Purifoy, Environmental Projects Coordinator, City of New Orleans Sally Prouty, President, Core Network Susan Tucker, Director, The After Prison Initiative, CriminalJustice Fund/US Programs, Open Society Institute David Widawsky, Acting Director, National Cent er forEnvironmental Innovation, United States EnvironmentalProtection Agency.

Renewable Energy and Economic Alternatives for the Navajo Nation Moderator: Rhonda Brown, Faith-Based and NeighborhoodPartnerships Coordinator, United States Department of Agriculture Presenters:Bob Gough, Attorney, Intertribal COUP Darcie Houck, Attorney, Fredericka Peebles & Morgan, LLPSteve Tromly, Archaeologist, Bonneville Power Administration.

Proliferation of Bioweapons Laboratories – A Threat to Environmental and Social Justice Moderator: Leslie D. Nelson, Consultant, S.M. Stoller Corporation Presenters: Klare Allen, Lead Organizer, Roxbury (MA) Safety Net,Vicky Steinitz, Coordinator, Greater Boston Stop the BU Bio -Terror Lab Coalition Beth Willis, Co-Founder, Fredrick Citizens for Bio-Lab Safety

Designing Safety Models for Communities Moderator: Kathleen Binder, Director, Office of DisputeResolution, United States Department of EnergyPresenters:Michael Wenstrom, Coordinator, Environmental Justice Team,United States Environmental Protection Agency David Padgett, Associate Professor, Tennessee State University12:30 – 1:30 p.m. Closing Luncheon Crystal Ballroom Speakers: Jeff Allison, Manager, Savannah River Site, United States Department of Energy Gerald Boyd, Manager, Oak Ridge Site, United States Department of Energy