Comments of Lisa P. Jackson at NEJAC

Administrator Lisa P. Jackson spoke to the National Environmental Justice Advisory Committee at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Crystal City, VA. The Council met July 21-23, 2009, to discuss EPA (NEJAC) priorities related to environmental justice, school air toxics monitoring, recommendations for goods movement impacts on air quality, and other topics.

"The inauguration of the first African American president, and my subsequent confirmation as the first African American Administrator of this Agency, has forever changed the face of environmentalism in this country. I hope it sends a clear signal that environmentalism does not
come in any one shape, size, or look. And if anyone lives out this truth on a daily basis – it’s you.

Environmentalism is not only about protecting wilderness or saving polar ice caps. As important as those things are, environmentalism is also about protecting people in the places where they live, and work, and raise families. It’s about making our urban and suburban neighborhoods safe and clean, about protecting children in their schools, and workers at their jobs."

Full Statement

