The Association for Environmental Justice in Israel

Letter Regarding Community, Energy & Technology in the Middle East (COMET-ME)

26 October, 2009

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Allowed us to tell you about a unique project that literally does the impossible in the Middle-East perspective: Change the Reality of People. Ours colleagues Elad and Noam, from COMET-ME for the last three years skillfully combined environmental innovation and activism for peace with social and economy welfare development of the most deprived population in the Middle East region - the Palestinians who live at South Hebron area mountain. This project for sure, in the long term, will positively affect the future of one of the most conflicted region historically. On their web site you can find further details and information, including on the technology in use.

Why am I telling you this now?

Comet-ME recently was announced as being one of only 12 finalists world-wide in the BBC World Challenge for 2009. This global competition focuses on grassroots projects and small businesses worldwide that are taking effective, innovative action in environmental and socioeconomic issues. In 13 November, the winning project will receive an award of $20,000. Comet-ME would use this prize to expand its project and to provide sustainable energy to
another community.

How can you help?

The winning project will be determined by online voting between 28 September 2009 and 13 November 2009. Amar and Anuawar, the two boys 5 and 8 years old in the above pictures yesterday were taken, proudly presented us, while visiting their family tent, the light they have for doing School homework, the small refrigerator and mixer that change their mother life, their nutrition and health. The chances to provide assistance in time of emergency, and purely chances for better life. We will be grateful for your time to circulate this message to your lists, post it on web pages and encourage your acquaintances to support COMET-ME in this voting.

Yours Sincerely,
Carmit Lubanov
The Association for Environmental Justice in Israel , Tel: ++972-3-5497064, ++972-52-3554737