Note From Barbara Carchidi Of Brockton, Massachusetts

We the Citizens of Brockton Massachusetts live in an Environmental Justice Community that already has more than its fair share of pollution ----We have a wastewater treatment plant that is out of compliance and is emitting thousands oftons of pollution into our air with homes and schools and senior citizen housing within a 1/3 of a mile from this facility ---right next to this waste water treatment plant they are proposing to build a 350 megawatt fossil fuel power plant that will emit over a million tons of additional toxic pollution per year.

We already have a very high asthma and cancer rate in our City ---The power from this plant is not for Brockton---Southeastern Massachusetts is an exporter of power---All we will get is the pollution. ---The energy from this plant isn't needed now or for the foreseeable future -----We in Brockton Massachusetts need the Environmental Protection Agency to step up to the plate and help protect us from this Environmental Injustice.

Thank You for your time and attention

Barbara Carchidi

Taunton Daily Gazette

The Brockton Post