Announcing OSWER Video Town Hall Discussion

Video Town Hall discussion on February 23‏

From: Mathy Stanislaus

Sent: Wed 2/17/10 12:59 PM

To: Stakeholders

Hello, I'm happy to announce that OSWER will be holding our second Video Town Hall discussion on Tuesday, February 23 from 1:30 - 3:00 PM EST. Anyone who wishes to attend will have an opportunity to ask questions directly to myself and other EPA experts. The discussion will cover two topics:

1) Reducing your carbon footprint through reducing, reusing, andrecycling. Everyone knows that practicing the "three Rs" - reducing, reusing, and recycling - minimizes waste and reduces the need forl andfill space. What not everyone knows is that reducing, reusing,and recycling is also an effective way to reduce the production ofthe greenhouse gases that cause climate change. By reducing our need for materials, we conserve the energy that is expended at every stageof a product's lifecycle. EPA wants to know what you're doing at home, at work, or at school to fight climate change by using the three Rs, and what we can do to help.

2) EPA's Environmental Justice analysis of the Definition of Solid Waste rule. In January, EPA began requesting public input on a draft plan (viewable here) for assessing the potential impacts of its hazardous waste recycling rule on low-income, minority and tribal populations. EPA is hosting a series of public round tables on this topic in early 2010.

This Video Town Hall meeting offers another opportunity for the public to share their thoughts on the draft plan. There are two ways to attend the Video Town Hall:

1. Watch online. Access the streaming video feed at . You can e-mail questions to town hall before or during the meeting. We will select a representative sample of questions and answer as many as possible. Please include your name or organization when submitting a question. or...

2. Call in. You can listen to the meeting toll-free by calling1-877-220-5073, conference code 51715371. People attending byphone will have an opportunity to ask questions towards the end of the meeting. We will answer as many questions as possible. As always, information about this Video Town Hall and previous discussions is available at I hope you'll join me on the 23rd.


Mathy Stanislaus

Assistant Administrator for EPA's Office of Solid Waste and EmergencyResponse