Stanislaus Wants To Know How EPA Is Doing On EJ


Hi everyone,

A new question of the month has been posted on the OSWER Discussion Forum: How would you grade EPA's role in addressing environmental justice issues in disadvantaged communities?

Administrator Jackson recently made expanding the conversation on environmentalism and working for environmental justice one of her top priorities. How do you feel about EPA’s current efforts toward working for environmental justice? Is EPA’s recent decision to conduct an environmental justice analysis of the Definition of Solid Waste rule a step in the right direction?

February 2009 recap Last month’s question about cleanup at former auto sector sites generated several useful suggestions that we plan to take under advisement. Several commenters emphasized the importance of accessto information and coordination among federal agencies. I encourage you to give these comments a look.

I hope you will continue to participate in the OSWER Discussion Forum; we will be posting new discussion questions at least once a month, and old questions remain available for comment indefinitely. Your input isimportant to me, and the discussions that occur on the Forum and elsewhere help inform OSWER’s work.


Mathy Stanislaus

Assistant Administrator for EPA's Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response