New Report: Environmental Justice and the Green Economy

A Working Group representing eight organizations in six states have published two documents:

1- "Environmental Justice and the Green Economy: A Vision Statement and Case Studies for Just and Sustainable Solutions" and

2- "Stimulating Environmental Justice: How the States Can Use Federal Recovery Funds to Build a Just and Sustainable Economy."
Members of the working group include:

Bill Gallegos, Communities for a Better Environment (Los Angeles)
Denise Perry, Power U (Miami)
Kalila Barnett and Penn Loh, Alternatives for Community & Environment, Boston
Diane Takvorian, Environmental Health Coalition (San Diego)
Peggy Shepard and Cecil Corbin-Mark, West Harlem Environmental Action
Burt Lauderdale, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth
Donele Wilkins, Detroiters Working for Environmental Justice
Roger Kim, Asian Pacific Environmental Network (Oakland)