Day 2: Concurrent Sessions: EJ in America 2010

Washington Marriot Hotel at Metro Center
Washington, DC

The Price of Environmental Racism in a Community:
The History and Potential Future of Hyde Park, Augusta, GA

Curtis Fease, Augusta State University
Julie Hudson, Augusta State University
Ashlyn Meyers, Augusta State University
Heather Valentine-Gates, The Urban Environment Institute of Georgia
Plastic Bottles and Environmental Justice:
Michael Biggs, Tennessee State University

SRS Superfund Job Training Initiative
Brendolyn Jenkins, The Imani Group, Inc.
Session Manger: Denise Mercer, SM Stoller Corporation

Working for Food Justice: Geospatial technology Applications in Delineating Urban Food Deserts and Associated Racial Health Disparities
Nekya Young, Tennessee State University
Ethnicity, Income and Exposure to Heavy Metals by Urban Gardeners
Jennifer Gorospe, San José State University
Urban Inner City- Treks-n-Trails
Kwame Lillard, African American Cultural Alliance
Session Manager: Pamela Pontillo, U.S. Department of Energy

Transforming and Diversifying HBCUs through Collaborative Relationships
Senora Coggs, U.S. Department of Commerce
Ty Couey, Mid-Atlantic HBCU Alumni Association Collaboration
Karen Wilson, Tougaloo College
Sandra Lawson, Univ of District of Columbia
Session Managers: Sheryl Good, U.S. Environmental Protection
Nick Ogden, Jr., U.S. Department of Commerce

Brownfields and Environmental Justice: New Initiatives for a New
Decade of Community Revitalization

Joe Bruss, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Deeohn Ferris, Sustainable Communities Development Group, Inc.
Aimee Storm, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Session Manager: Shirley Wade, SM Stoller Corporation

Hawaii: A Case for Re-Characterizing the "Environment" in Environmental Justice
Laura Baker, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Workshop: Evaluating Environmental Justice Strategies in Federal Agencies: A Regional Focus
Ryan Jackson, Columbia University

Norris McDonald, Ben Wilson, Robert Stanton, John Rosenthall

The Time is Now: Implementation of Environmental Justice Policy in the Obama Administration
Daria Neal, Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights

Dialogic Transformations in US Land Revitalization Policy and Planning
Courtney Knapp, Northern Middlesex Council of Governments
Session Manger: Rhonda Brown, U.S. Department of Agriculture

Putting the Neighbor Back in the ‘Hood
LaTrenia Byrd, University of Arkansas
Ratnasari Dewi, University of Arkansas
Nathaniel Owen, University of Arkansas

Chemicals in Your Community: What You Need to Know
Deborah Brown, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Session Manager: Fred Jenkins, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Ignacia Moreno, Eric Holder

Lunch Keynote
Ignacia Moreno, Assistant Attorney General, Environment and Natural Resources Division, U.S. Department of Justice

Introduction and Presiding Officer: Cheryl Cook, Deputy Under Secretary, U.S. Department of Agriculture

Agnes L. Savoy
DOE Environmental Research
Rukia Dahir, George Washington University
Jennifer Lynette, George Washington University
Elizabeth Krone, George Washington University
Macrina Xavier, George Washington University
Jason Fraley, George Washington University

Lilia Abron, James Hill

Elemental Composition of Influent, Treated Sludge and Effluent Water
Randy Arnold, Savannah State University
Session Manager: Holly Cairns, Department of Environmental Protection, State of Pennsylvania

Plenary - Historically Black Colleges and University/Minority Serving Institutions
Calvina Allen Dupre, U.S. Agency for International Development
Senora Coggs, U.S. Department of Commerce

David Padgett, Kimberly Jackson
Workshop: Geographic Information Systems Applicants in Environmental Justice David Padgett, Tennessee State University
Christopher Norwood, Tennessee State University
Honoring Navajo Code Talker Brother Jack Jones Practical Retrofit of Sustainable Building Technologies to Native American Church Facilities and Entry Level Housing for Citizens and Discussion on Micro-Growing Programs.
Michael Loya, La Mesilla Verde
Session Manager: Beverly Whitehead, U.S. Department of Energy

Patricia Jackman, John Rosenthall

African American Stakeholder’s Environmental Perception with Regard to a Major Urban Development Project
Hermaine Pierre, Tennessee State University
Organizing Across Boarders: Building a Global for Environmental and Climate Justice
Nina Birger, Tufts University
Emily Pistell, Tufts University
RPM Urban Agroforestry
Leslie Carrere, RPM Ecosystems
Session Manager: Heather Valentine – Gates, The Urban Environment Institute of Georgia

John Rosenthall, Mayor Joe Phillips
Can Environmental Justice Go Worldwide? Inclusive Decision Making for People Living in Poverty in Developing Countries
Joseph Foti, World Resources Institute
A Seat at the Table - Book Discussion
Alisa Zomer, World Resources Institute

The Heat Smart Campaign- The Gift of Warmth
Donna Montaquila, Heat Smart Campaign
Lindsey Brickle, Vision
Session Manager: Marsha Middleton, M-Squared Public Relations

Special Presentation: Film - The Return of Navajo Boy
Jeff Spitz, Groundswell Films

The Defense Department, Climate Change and Environmental Justice (Video)
Norris McDonald, Center for Environment
John McCormick, Energy Policy Center