Opening Session at Howard Law School a Big Success

Kurt L. Schmoke, John Rosenthall
The grand opening session of the Fourth Annual State of Environmental Justice In America 2010 Conference at the Howard University School of Law was a huge success. A great crowd braved rain showers to listen to presentations and ask questions in the Moot Court Room.

Howard University School of Law Dean Kurt L. Schmoke welcomed everyone and the Honorable Marilyn Murrell, Mayor of Arcadia, Oklahoma and Chairperson of the National Small Town Alliance, gave an inspirational greeting. Lessie Price, Manager, URS Washington Division, was the moderator for the panel, which addressed the theme: "Green Jobs, Clean Energy & Succession Planning."

EJ Conference, Inc conference coordinator John Rosenthall gave the purpose of the conference and welcome the participants.

Panelists included Nikki Buffa, Associate Director for Communities, Environmental Protection & Green Jobs, White House Council on Environmental Quality

Cynthia Anderson, Director, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Funding, Office of Environmental Management, United States Department of Energy

June Robinson, Senior Program Analyst, Chief Human Capital Office, United States Department of Energy

Reginal Barner Jr., President & CEO, The Barner Group

Dr. Lilia Abron, President & CEO, PEER Consultants PC

Dr. Beverly Hogan, President, Tougaloo College

Brendolyn Jenkins, Executive Director, The Imani Group, Inc.

Jacqueline Ponti-Lazaruk, Assistant Administrator, Water and Environmental Program, U.S. Department of Agriculture

Dr. Benjamin Chavis, Jr., President, Education Online Services Corporation

Robert Stanton, Senior Advisor, United States Department of the Interior

Okianer Dark, Associate Dean, Howard University School of Law gave closing remarks and an excellent reception followed in the Dining Hall
