EPA NEJAC Conference Call on Gulf Oil Spill

Conference Call on EPA's Activities Related to Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill‏

Stakeholders and Interested Parties are invited to participate on a conference call hosted by EPA’s National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (NEJAC), scheduled for Tuesday, June 15, 2010 from 1:00 - 4:30 p.m.

The primary purpose of this call is to discuss EPA’s activities related to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, including cleanup and recovery actions, and the impacts of the spill on coastal environmental justice communities. There will be a public comment period from 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. EDT. Specifically, the NEJAC is seeking input about:

(1) how should EPA engage communities around the environmental cleanup and recovery actions;

(2) how should EPA engage other federal, state, tribal, and local governments to ensure that coastal planning and protection efforts are a high priority; and

(3) the scope of disaster preparedness efforts within communities.

Pre-registration is required to participate on the call. Registration closes Friday, June 11th at noon, EDT. A finite number of telephone lines will be reserved for the call. Full capacity is anticipated, so please register by:

(1) E-mail with “Register for the June NEJAC Teleconference” in the subject line. Please provide your name, organization, address, e-mail and telephone number for future follow-up as necessary.

(2) Phone or Fax: Send a fax (please print), or leave a voice message, with your name, organization, address, e-mail and telephone number to 877-773-1489.

(3) To register online

If you have further questions, please feel free to email or call: Doretta Reaves at or 202.564.7829.