Strengthening Environmental Justice Research and Decision Making

UPDATE: Strengthening Environmental Justice Research and Decision Making: A Symposium on the Science of Disproportionate Environmental Health Impacts

UPDATE: 100 days after the conclusion of the Strengthening Environmental Justice Research and Decision Making: A Symposium on the Science of Disproportionate Environmental Health Impacts, EPA has prepared an update that includes:

1) an overview of the Symposium participant recommendations;

2) EPA’s plan to work with the recommendations;

3) upcoming opportunities to provide additional comments and recommendations, and;

4) a reaffirmation of EPA’s commitment to work with community groups and the public to strengthen local environmental and human health outcomes.

EPA is accepting additional recommendations and feedback via their website and will host a teleconference on July 29th from 2-3pm Eastern. Information on how to participate on the teleconference call will be provided in the coming weeks.

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For more information about the symposium