Environmental Justice Volume: 3, Number: 3 September 2010

The above issue is now available online from Liebert Online.

The table of contents for this issue is listed below. Click on the links below to view the abstract for each article, or click on the link above to read the table of contents online.

Community First Communication: Reversing Information Disparities to Achieve Environmental Justice
Edward A. Emmett and Chintan Desai

Environmental Justice September 2010, Vol. 3, No. 3: 79-84.Abstract Full Text PDF (122 KB) PDF Plus (123 KB)

Community-Based Approaches to Reduce Toxins in Housing: Lessons Learned From Working with Diverse Communities Erin McNally, Ian Blazina, and Stephanie A. Farquhar

Environmental Justice September 2010, Vol. 3, No. 3: 85-93.Abstract Full Text PDF (380 KB) PDF Plus (279 KB)

Linking Health Inequality and Environmental Justice: Articulating a Precautionary Framework for Research and Action
Sarah E.L. Wakefield and Jamie Baxter

Environmental Justice September 2010, Vol. 3, No. 3: 95-102.Abstract Full Text PDF (231 KB) PDF Plus (169 KB)

Healthy at Home: Latina Mothers Knowledge and Behavior Regarding Indoor Environmental Health Hazards
Tiana Wilson, Andrea Crivelli-Kovach, and Heidi Worley

Environmental Justice September 2010, Vol. 3, No. 3: 103-109.Abstract Full Text PDF (158 KB) PDF Plus (121 KB)

Excessive Air Pollution and the Oil Industry: Fighting for Our Right to Breathe Clean Air
Melissa L. Jarrell and Joshua Ozymy

Environmental Justice September 2010, Vol. 3, No. 3: 111-115.Abstract Full Text PDF (114 KB) PDF Plus (114 KB)

Book Review

China and India's New Economic Frontier, Environmental Justice, and the New Africa's Silk Road
Carolina Cabral Murphy

Environmental Justice September 2010, Vol. 3, No. 3: 117.Citation Full Text PDF (33 KB) PDF Plus (34 KB)