EPA Region 7 EJ Workshop and NEJAC Meeting

The Environmental Protection Agency's Region 7 Environmental Justice (EJ) Program will host a series of free environmental justice workshops to provide training to stakeholders interested in environmental justice issues. The workshops target urban and rural communities, grassroots organizations, academic institutions, businesses, youth, elderly citizens, particularly low-income and minority populations. Courses during the workshops include two tracks of

(1) Collaborative Problem Solving with Success Stories, Tools, and Demonstrations and

(2) Grants and Resources Information.

These workshops will be held prior to the formal National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (NEJAC) Public Meeting on November 16-18, 2010 at the Westin Crown Center Hotel in Kansas City, Missouri. The workshops and NEJAC Meeting are free and open to the public.

The Collaborative Problem Solving/Success Stories track will have the following sessions:

· How to Achieve Success by Leveraging Resources in Rural and Urban Communities (including creating more sustainable, "green" communities);

· How to Effectively Reach EJ Communities: What Really Matters to EJ Communities (such as health, air, water, and waste issues, and capacity building); and

· Addressing Health and the Food Desert in EJ Communities (including the benefits of community gardening and creating green jobs).

The Grants & Resources track will include the following sessions:

· How to Effectively Write Grants: "Come with a Project Idea and Leave with Written Proposal."

· Demonstrations of Different Data to Help Screen and Solve Problems in EJ Communities.

View the detailed agenda (PDF) (3 pp., 28K, About PDF).

For more information on the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council public meeting and to register visit

Event Details:

Date: November 15-16, 2010Location: The Westin Crown Center, 1 East Pershing Road. Kansas City, MO 64108Time: The meeting will convene promptly at 1:00 p.m. CST, Monday, November 15, 2010.

Advance registration is encouraged. Registration Deadline: November 1, 2010 11:00 a.m. CSTTo Register in advance: Online: Complete the form

For Questions contact: Fatima Ndiaye at 913-551-7383 or Toll-free at 1-800-223-0425

To Book a Hotel Room Online

· Reserve a room at the Westin Crown Center Hotel using the ?EPA-NEJAC? room block

They encourage you to book your hotel room using the online Website, which will allow them to better track the information "real time." To be eligible for the negotiated room block rate, you must contact the hotel by November 1.

To Book a Hotel by Phone:

· Call Westin Crown Center reservations at 888-627-8538 and ask for the "EPA NEJAC" room block.

A block of rooms under "EPA-NEJAC" has been set aside at the government rate. You must make your reservation before November 1, 2010. After this date the government rate will not be guaranteed.