Mary Ann Liebert Publishers: Environmental Justice

Environmental Justice Volume: 3, Number: 4
December 2010

Environmental Justice, Participation, and the Law

Analyzing Public Participation in Risk Analysis: How the Wolves of Environmental Injustice Hide in the Sheep's Clothing of Science
Kristin Shrader-Frechette
Environmental Justice December 2010, Vol. 3, No. 4: 119-123.
Abstract Full Text PDF (101 KB) PDF Plus (102 KB)

Governance Structures and the Lack of Basic Amenities: Can Community Engagement Be Effectively Used to Address Environmental Injustice in Underserved Black Communities?
Sacoby M. Wilson, Christopher D. Heaney, and Omega Wilson
Environmental Justice December 2010, Vol. 3, No. 4: 125-133.
Abstract Full Text PDF (270 KB) PDF Plus (195 KB)

Public Participation and Communicative Interaction: The Structural Mechanisms of Institutional Bias
Neenah Estrella-Luna
Environmental Justice December 2010, Vol. 3, No. 4: 135-140.
Abstract Full Text PDF (106 KB) PDF Plus (107 KB)

Prolonged Injustice in Urban America
Jametta Magwood, Edith Marie Williams, and Saundra Hasben Glover
Environmental Justice December 2010, Vol. 3, No. 4: 141-145.
Abstract Full Text PDF (93 KB) PDF Plus (93 KB)

Environmental Justice and Grassroots Legal Action
Anna-Maria Marshall
Environmental Justice December 2010, Vol. 3, No. 4: 147-151.
Abstract Full Text PDF (91 KB) PDF Plus (91 KB)

Book Review: Poverty and Biodiversity Conservation
Lester C. Facey
Environmental Justice December 2010, Vol. 3, No. 4: 153.
Citation Full Text PDF (31 KB) PDF Plus (32 KB)