Environmental Justice 2014 Implementation Released

Plan EJ 2014 Draft Implementation Released Comments Requested

Expanding the Conversation on Environmentalism and Working for Environmental Justice is one of Administrator Lisa P. Jackson's top priorities for EPA, Plan EJ 2014, named in recognition of the 20th anniversary of the issuance of Bill Clinton Presidential Executive Order 12898, is EPA's roadmap for carrying out the Administrator's priority.

To accomplish the goals outlined in Plan EJ 2014, EPA developed nine Draft Implementation Plans which will guide Agency actions in rulemaking, permitting, compliance and enforcement, community-based action, administration wide action, science, law, information, and resources. The Draft Implementation Plans outline EPA goals, strategies, activities, deliverables, and milestones for each of the nine areas.

The Agency is asking for feedback from the public on each of the Draft Implementation Plans. EPA also encourages continued feedback regarding issues that are most important for ensuring the protection of air, water and land that supports all communities and will result in environmental and economic health benefits.

EPA is looking for your comments on Plan EJ 2014 Draft Implementation Plans. Visit here to read the Draft Implementation Plans and submit your comments today. Comments are due April 29, 2011.

A printed copy of the Draft Plan EJ 2014 Draft Implementation Plans can be requested by calling 1-(800)-962-6215 or by emailing: Charles Lee.