EPA - Community Conference Call

Intended Audience: Environmental Justice and Tribal Communities or Organizations

When: Thursday, June 30, 2011 Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm EST

Conference Line: 1-866-299-3188; code: 919-541-0773#(phone limited to 125 participants on a first-come first-serve basis)

Purpose: To provide more information on upcoming activities in EPA’s Air Programs and foster a dialog with communities on their air quality issues. This call will provide an:

Overview of the Upcoming Air Rule for the Pulp and Paper Industry and other air quality rules

Discussion of the purpose and process for developing the Environmental Justice Community Learning Center

Opportunity for community members to ask questions regarding the topics discussed.

To register for the call/webinar. You Must register 24 hours before the webinar.

For more information about the conference call, contact Lena Epps-Price (919) 541-5573.