Limbaugh Blames NYC Shooting On Obama

"I wonder if Obama's constant warfare on bosses...might have led this guy to pull the trigger." --Limbaugh on Empire State Bldg shooter

From Limbaugh's website/broadcast today:
You heard about this? Okay. The New York Daily News is reporting that the Empire State Building shooter did indeed kill his boss. He was fired. He went out there and he killed his boss. I wonder if Obama's constant warfare on bosses and so forth might have led this guy to pull the trigger...?

"Oh, no. Rush, you didn't really say that! We have time on the delay to bleep it. No, Rush! Oh, you didn't really say that!"

Yes, I said it, and we're not gonna bleep it out...Who's out there ripping bosses to shreds every day? Who's out there ripping businesses to shreds every day?

And who's out there killing jobs every day?